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GK Vines | Wine

There is so much more to wine than drinking it and this is what we try to achieve with Back to the Roots.

We will take you on a journey exploring the World of GK-Vines.
Let us be part of your special occasions, celebrations or just being with you after a hard day of work.

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Guenther Kopf | Hotel General Manger | GK Vines

I have traveled the world as an Officer for one of the biggest Cruise Companies.
I have seen the best and worst this world has to offer.
I have had ups and downs in my life and career but I can say one thing for certain that besides family and good friends wine was always there to be enjoyed on so many occasions.

For all my friends out there I have known for many years and to all wine lovers I hopefully will meet in the years to come let me finish with a toast;

"There are good ships, and there are wood ships,
There are ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships, are friendships,
And may they always be."


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