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Geuther Kopf | GK VinseGuenther Kopf | GK Vines |


MEET MR. GUENTHER KOPF - Passion & Tradition

I traveled the world and I have seen most of it and every time I visited a new place that took my breath away I couldn't help to compare them with home. I came to the conclusion that we are so blessed in so many ways in that wonderful area I call home.

The simplicity and honesty in the way everybody makes his leaving through hard work in a community that looks out for each other, the traditions that are carried on for centuries and passed on to every generation, still with such passion made me what I am today.

In my earlier years of traveling the world was not big enough and I couldn't wait to see what is out there but every time I came home it was the inner peace I felt and still do just much stronger now. It brought me “Back to the Roots”.

I have never regretted the path I have taken and I have enjoyed every minute.
I have met so many interesting people on my travel and some of them became mentors and great friends. I lived my live most of the time to a simple principle, make the best out of whatever you do be honest to yourself and let nothing come between you and your dreams. It sounds very simple but what a journey that was.

When I left home for the very first time in 1993 I was devastated but my curiosity of what is out there was stronger.

I work for a fantastic Company Windstar Cruises one of the leading Cruise Companies in the world and I have reached the highest position in my profession in the Hotel Department.

I feel very privileged having a family who was always supportive of my dreams even if they did not always understood my motivations but still supported me in every possible way.

I am blessed with a mother that is in her well-deserved retirement and a father who is no longer with us but who would be very proud of what we have achieved over the years. My two sisters and brother were also always very supportive and I want to thank them for all they have done for me over the years.

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