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GK Vines | The Area


GK Vines | The Area


The Area of were "Back to the Roots" is growing is best described like this!

A very peaceful and flat land surrounded by hills in the East and Mountains far in the West a little river that makes its way through the middle of town.

Since the Romans conquered the area still called Carnuntum today, close to the Danube River, wine was cultivated in this beautiful hillside Valley.

GK Vines is located in one of the most beautiful areas in Austria the County is called Lower Austria close to Vienna and the Hungarian Boarder.
The Danube and it's side rivers does not divide us but has supplied the area with rich potential soil for farming and agriculture in particular for making wine.

Friendly people who still greet each other in the morning on their way to work or the Bakery to pick up some bread rolls for the family breakfast, were people still help each other and ask for nothing in return, there is our church in the middle of town and opposite a little castle belongs once to our Emperor Maria Theresia now our town house and residence of our Major. It is this kind of Town where everybody remembers your name and that you left a long time ago to follow a dream. I always knew I will be back one day to fulfill my dream of making wine, spending more time with my family and friends.
If you ever in the neighborhood pass by and Martin or I show you around the Vineyard and we have a glass or two..




GK Vines | The Area

GK Vines | The Area
GK Vines | The Area

GK Vines | The Area
GK Vines | The Area


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